In just 35 days, a generation goes above the poverty line forever!
KAKATHEEYA with its tagline “Learn, Earn | Stand Tall” is a vocational training and social transformation program for underprivileged youth in the age group of 18–28 years, who are less educated and unemployed. The program consists of 300 hours of training covering areas such as spoken English language skills, life skills, values, basic computer knowledge, and vocational training based on their educational qualification. There is an e-learning platform that gives the students access to various content, including around 600 videos, specially designed by us for employability. This empowerment gets translated to performing well in the interviews and in securing a great job.
The program guarantees a job to all the students, who successfully complete the program, with various Corporates with social security. KAKATHEEYA enables inclusive growth by empowering families below the poverty line
If one member in a family starts earning, it changes the economic status of the entire family and hence the slogan:
"A Whole Generation Goes Above Poverty Line Forever"